Jacksonville Woodlands 1-6-23

Photos by Elisabeth

  Ashland Hiking Home

Twelve of us hiked in the Jacksonville Woodlands with overcast skies broken intermittently to reveal the blue sky and sun, and give us glimpses of the landscape. Of course, the iconic view on this hike it out toward Mt. McLoughlin from top of Panorama Loop (location for group picture at the beautiful Madrone).

We challenged ourselves to follow the standard trail map to correlate our journey with the printed trails, and found it confusing. It didn’t correlate clearly, at least not for us. Alas, can’t get lost in these Woodlands. We were on the following trails at one point or another: Sarah Zigler, Jane Naversen, French Gulch, Oregon Trail, Panorama Loop, and Rich Gulch, having started at the Library parking lot and ended by walking through Peter Britt grounds to downtown.

Six of us stayed to have lunch at “Easy Over” (formerly Mustard Green) near the Court House. It was a lovely hike and time together catching up and discussing one another’s plans for 2023.
