Natural AC at Deadfall Lakes + Mt. Eddy 6-27-22

Photos by Jerry, Kate and Patricia

Track download from Jerry: Mt. Eddy 6-27-22.gpx 

Ashland Hiking Home

Seven took up the challenge of hiking to the Upper Deadfall Lake and three climbed to the summit of Mt. Eddy (9,049') against a strong wind.

Four cooled off in the alpine lakes either by soaking their feet or by plunging into the near frigid water for  brief swims. 

We met several "through hikers" doing sections of the PCT and a Talent resident named Brenda who may be joining  our AHG Monday hiking group.

We were surprised to find campers at Upper Deadfall Lake; and visited with a couple and their 12 year old granddaughter as they were getting ready to break camp.

Many wildflowers adorned the trail, hillsides and meadows. A few of the special ones for this hike were: Bear Grass seen driving up as well as Darlentonia (also called Cobra Lily or Pitcher Plants) first seen on the drive up, but also along the trail and meadows where creek water was running. Also unique to the area were Blue Flax, Purple Wild Onion and Yellow Lupine.

Today's hike covered 10+ miles and 1,500' gain (over 2,000' for those three who summited Mt Eddy).

After an early 8 AM start for the drive to California, the first car back rolled into Rite Aid just past 7 PM.

It was a long, but memorable day on the trail.
